In-Person Events

Previous In-Person Events

Formalism and Telos in Patent Law: On the Interpretation of the European Patent Convention (EPC) according to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT)

14.03.2024 17:30

Formalism and Teleos in Patent Law - Speaker (Presentation in German): Professor Dr. Axel Metzger, LL.M. (Harvard), HU Berlin

The EU Draft of a Regulation on Standard-Essential-Patents (SEPs)

18.01.2024 18:30

- Speaker (Presentation in German): Fabian Hoffmann (Judge at the German Federal Supreme Court)

Generative AI and Copyright Law – Introduction, Legal Challenges and Potential Solutions

20.11.2023 18:30

- Speakers (Presentation in German): Tobias Haar, Dr. Marcus von Welser, Prof. Dr. Matthias Leistner

European Patent Enforcement and the UPC  – Status Quo and Perspectives

24.11.2022 12:00

European Patent Enforcement and the UPC – Status Quo and Perspectives – (Kirchberg, Luxembourg)

Reichweite und Umfang des Anspruchs auf Unterlassung gem. § 139 Abs. 1 PatG

16.01.2020 18:30

Referentin: Ulrike Voß, Vorsitzende Richterin, 15. Zivilsenat, OLG Düsseldorf

Digitales Urheberrecht – Die Framing-Technologie vor dem EuGH

11.12.2019 18:30

Referenten Dr. Nils Rauer (Pinsent Masons Germany LLP) und Prof. Dr. Christian Czychowski (BOEHMERT & BOEHMERT)

Open Innovation - A Reform for the German and Japanese Utility Model System

21.11.2019 18:30

Referentin Prof. Toshiko Takenaka, University of Washington, Seattle & Keio University, Tokyo

Patentschutz für Daten?

18.07.2019 18:30

Patentschutz für Daten? - Dr. Ralf Uhrich, LL.M - Syndikusrechtsanwalt, Google Germany GmbH


27.06.2019 18:30

Die neue Richtlinie über das Urheberrecht im digitalen Binnenmarkt: Internetzensur oder angemessener Interessenausgleich? - Prof. Dr. Matthias Leistner, LL.M. / Prof. Dr. Ansgar Ohly, LL.M.